how to hide assignments in google classroom

 As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Google Classroom does not have a built-in feature that allows teachers to hide assignments from students. However, teachers have some workarounds they can use to achieve a similar effect:

  1. Schedule Assignments:

    • Instead of hiding assignments, you can schedule them to become visible to students at a later date. When creating or editing an assignment, use the "Schedule" feature to set a date and time when the assignment will be visible to students.
  2. Move Assignments to a Different Topic:

    • If you organize assignments by topics, you can move assignments to a different topic that students are not currently focused on. This won't hide the assignment, but it will make it less prominent in the current topic.
  3. Use Draft Assignments:

    • Create assignments as drafts until you are ready for students to see them. When you're ready, edit the assignment and change its status to "Assign."
  4. Reuse Posts:

    • After an assignment is complete, you can reuse the post for a new assignment. This way, the old assignment won't be visible on the main stream, but you can still access it in the "Classwork" tab.
  5. Create Separate Classes or Sections:

    • If you have different sections within your class, you can create separate classes for each section and assign different content to each class. This way, students in one section won't see assignments intended for another section.

It's important to note that the features and functionalities of Google Classroom may change over time as Google frequently updates its products. Therefore, it's advisable to check the latest documentation or support resources provided by Google for any new features related to assignment visibility.

Additionally, consider providing feedback to Google Classroom through the platform's feedback or support channels, as user feedback can influence future updates and improvements


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